Masteroppgaver PSY

Sidetittel Publisert Veileder(e)
Digitalization-friendly regulation. Transforming and reasoning about legislative text 5. okt. 2023
Dependly typed programming (for security) 27. sep. 2023
Refactoring-related projects 27. sep. 2023
Verification Tool for Concurrent Software 27. sep. 2023
Runtime Verification with Linux BPF 27. sep. 2023
Oppgaver innen formell modellering og analyse ved bruk av Maude og Real-Time Maude 27. sep. 2023
Playing the service game - the digitalization of user-centric processes 22. sep. 2023
Modelling and Analysis of a Self-Adaptive Underwater Robot 22. sep. 2023
Formal semantics for robot controllers 22. sep. 2023
Programming with GDPR compliance 22. sep. 2023
Combining deductive verification and testing by symbolic execution 22. sep. 2023
Backwards symbolic execution 22. sep. 2023
Verification of Meta-controllers 1. sep. 2023
Reliability, Privacy, and Security of Trading Systems for shares of startup companies 7. okt. 2022
FMUs for runtime monitoring in RTLola 6. okt. 2022
Eksekveringsstrategier for sanntidssystemer 5. okt. 2022
A domain-specific language for real-estate floor plans 24. aug. 2022
Bruk av Maude med eksterne objekter 22. okt. 2021
Modellering av litet kraftverk i HybridSynchAADL 22. okt. 2021
Modellering av selvkjørende ting i Maude 22. okt. 2021
Formell modellering/analyse i Maude 22. okt. 2021
Model-based engineering / Digital twins 22. okt. 2021
Analysing Cognitive Controllers 18. okt. 2021
Policy Languages to Capture Privacy Concerns in Distributed Services 14. okt. 2021
Efficient Simulation of IoT Systems 15. okt. 2020