AFSecurity: AI - Challenges and Opportunities for Cybersecurity

Velkommen til UiO AFSecurity, seminar om digital sikkerhet.

NCSC Hungary

Zoltán Aradi from the National Cyber Security Center of Hungary will give a talk on AI - Challenges and Opportunities for Cybersecurity.

Zoltán Aradi
Zoltán Aradi

See the program below and at the AFSecurity wiki. All interested are welcome. Coffee and snacks served.

TIME: Tuesday 31 October 2023, at 14:00h
PLACE: Kristen Nygaards Hall, 5th floor, IFI, UiO.
14:00h Welcome to AFSecurity at UiO
14:15h Invited talk

  • TITLE: AI - Challenges and Opportunities for Cybersecurity
  • SPEAKER: Zoltán Aradi, National Cyber Security Center of Hungary
  • ABSTRACT: Artificial Intelligence stands at the forefront of paradigm changes in many realms, including cybersecurity, reshaping the landscape of digital defense and threat mitigation. As AI technologies become more sophisticated, cybersecurity strategies are compelled to evolve. AI-driven cybersecurity promises a proactive defense mechanism, leveraging advanced algorithms for real-time threat detection, pattern recognition, and adaptive responses. However, this paradigm shift brings forth challenges such as potential vulnerabilities in AI systems, ethical concerns regarding autonomous decision-making in security, and the need for continuous innovation to outpace emerging cyber threats. Balancing the promises and pitfalls of AI in cybersecurity demands robust governance frameworks, ongoing research into secure AI development, and international collaboration to establish ethical standards that safeguard against malicious use. The future of cybersecurity is intricately tied to the responsible integration of AI, ushering in a new era where adaptive defenses and human-machine collaboration redefine the dynamics of cyber resilience.

15:15h Discussion.

BIO: Zoltán Aradi is a seasoned cybersecurity professional armed with a CEH and other certificates, currently playing a crucial role in fortifying Hungary’s governmental cybersecurity. Beyond the digital realm, Zoltán's interests span the culinary and financial domains, showcasing a unique blend of technical expertise and a penchant for life's finer pursuits. With a passion for exploring new technologies, he navigates the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity and cutting-edge innovations with equal finesse, embodying a multifaceted professional at the intersection of security, finance, and technological advancement.

Academic Forum on Security is organised by UiO Digital Security.
Publisert 16. okt. 2023 17:27 - Sist endret 21. okt. 2023 08:09