Nominee: Andreas Ulfsten

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow and joined the Department of Informatics the fall of 2022, after completing my PhD degree from the Department of Accounting, Auditing and Law at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).

Portrettbilde av Andreas Ulfstein

Andreas Ulfstein

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow since fall of 2022
Affiliation: Digital Innovation (DIN) group, section for Digitalisation

Research projects and/or fields of interest

My PhD dissertation was on the organizational uses of Big Data, a research interest that I continue to pursue in my current position. I have—in addition to doing empirical research—also been involved in teaching and supervision of Masters theses on the subject matter.

I am well acquainted with the needs and concerns of the temporary academic from personal experience during my PhD and Postdoc periods. In addition, I have years of hands-on experience with preparing documents—predominantly financial accounts—for board decisions, which have given me detailed insight into the workings of a board.   

Aspirations and priorities for this role

My aspirations for the role, if I were to be elected, are:

  • Engage actively with the temporary academic staff at IFI to ensure that their concerns and viewpoints are recorded, voiced and heard in the Board.
  • Establish, develop and advocate for strong support structures for academic success of temporary employees, both within research and teaching. I believe this is crucial for early-career scholars building their research and teaching portfolios.
  • Draw on my knowledge and experience within accounting and finance to contribute actively to sound decisions in line with the Department strategy for 2023-2026.



Publisert 12. mars 2024 13:42 - Sist endret 12. mars 2024 13:42