Nominee: Johanne Thunes

I am a PhD candidate in the Information Systems group and the HISP-centre. My research is focusing on practices for approaching digital transformations and innovations in the public sector.

Bildet kan inneholde: person, panne, nese, kinn, leppe.

Position: Ph.D. candidate since fall of 2022
Affiliation: Information Systems group, section for Digitalisation

Research projects and/or fields of interest

Before I started on my PhD I was a student at IFI in Informatics: design use and interaction and delivered my master thesis in May 2022.

During my time at IFI I have been engaged in teaching, as a lecturer and group teacher. I have been a student representative in both the department board and the educaton board, and student representative in the Student parliament and Welfare council. Outside IFI I have experiences from political work and as an elected official.

Taking a PhD and pursuing a career in academia is often driven by both curiosity and interest. It can also, however, be challenging on many levels. In 2022 Professor Ellen Lexerød Hovlid wrote in Khrono that “Crying PhDs are more common than non-crying PhDs”. I, therefore, believe it is important for IFI to provide the needed support for temporary employees in current challenges such as work-life balance and mental health challenges. As temporary employees both PhDs and PostDocs face uncertainty about future possibilities in academia and in the industry. If I am elected, I will strive to bring forward the perspectives of the group of temporary employees at IFI in the strategic and political work of the department board.

Aspirations and priorities for this role

If I am elected I will aim to:

  • emphasize the perspectives of temporary employees in the strategic and political debates in the department board
  • bring forward the need for more arenas for PhD and PostDocs to meet and exchange experiences
  • focus on how PhDs and postdocs can prepare for future careers in academia and the industry


Publisert 12. mars 2024 13:42 - Sist endret 12. mars 2024 13:42