Nominations for representative for temporary academic employees

One representative and at least one substitute representative are to be elected. The nominated are:

Alexander Moltubakk Kempton

I have been working at IFI as a PhD candidate since 2016. I defended my PhD at the end of October, and I will from December work as a postdoc in the digital innovation research group, which is part of the digitalization section. Before I came to IFI, I worked at Microsoft as a developer. 

During my four years this far at IFI, I have been teaching, supervising master students, and doing empirical research within the field of information systems. I have also been a member of the PhD committee. This has given me experience in how it is to be a temporary academic employee at the institute and some insight into both its positive and challenging sides. If I am elected, I will focus especially on how PhD candidates are prepared for their further careers, whether they are to work in industry or academia. For example, we should ensure that candidates who aim for an academic career are given the chance to teach, which is crucial for further academic employment. 

While I will – if elected – represent the temporary academic employees, I also want to engage with the wider issues of the institute. I believe in the current research strategy, and I think that it is of high importance for us temporary academic employees that the institute is internationally recognized as a high-quality research institution. As a member of the board, I will therefore do what I can to support IFI’s great research efforts.

Barbro Renland Nordby

I am a PhD fellow at the section for digital innovation. My PhD is within the Information Systems field concerning the transformative effects of digitalization in the energy sector. I have over 10 years experience within renewable energy as a change manager, sustainability and policy advisor and was elected board member as student and trainee, and board leader for Oslos first Cooperative agriculture. I strive to be a constructive board member focusing on solutions whilst paying special attention to my role as a representative for a group.

I will highlight three issues:

  1. Addressing the UN Sustainability Development Goals are crucial for the future. Forefronting the UNSDGs in studies and research will attract the best minds and secure a foundation for competence for future work. Interdisciplinarity and collaboration is important to understand and solve the challenges ahead and the department has a role in lifting it. 
  2. Ethics and sustainability are key elements in the way of work and knowledge created. To center discussions on these fundamental issues is important.  
  3. Of immediate concern is alleviating the effect of the pandemics. It has provided a new framework for research and education. It is important to pay special attention to safeguarding mental health in a position were social distancing can lead to isolation, funds are about to run out or access to the field of research is limited. To provide clear guidance and give weight to the changed situation in for instance consideration of applications for extensions of temporary research positions. 

Morten Lindeberg

I am a postdoc at the distributed multimedia research (DMMS) group, and just started my third year in this position. My line of research comprises advanced database technologies and distributed real-time data processing. I know this Institute well, as I took my Master’s degree and my PhD degree here between 2006 and 2013. During my PhD, I also served as a PhD student representative at the PhD program board. Following my PhD, I worked six years as an Infrastructure consultant in Accenture, which is a large global consultancy company. These years gave me the opportunity to understand and learn about the the IT industry, with diverse roles in both Husbanken and Telenor. I worked as a developer, as a team lead and project manager in project with a high degree of offshoring, and finally as a solution architect.

I am enthusiastic about the intersection between academic IT research and teaching, and applied research and technology that can benefit society and drive us forward. As a representative in the Institute board, my ambition would be to represent PhD and PostDoc employees with a clear voice, and promote and advocate transparency, openness and predictability for our everyday work life and future careers.

I live just outside Oslo, with wife, two children and a dog. My hobbies include outdoor sports such as biking, windsurfing and skiing, and as well music.

Publisert 10. nov. 2020 10:23 - Sist endret 12. mars 2024 13:16