Kristoffer Robin Stokke

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Besøksadresse Gaustadalléen 23B 0373 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1080 Blindern 0316 Oslo


  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Griwodz, Carsten & Halvorsen, Pål (2017). Load Balancing of Multimedia Workloads for Energy Efficiency on the Tegra K1 Multicore Architecture. I Chen, Kuan-ta; Cesar, Pablo & Hsu, Cheng-Hsin (Red.), Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISSN 978-1-4503-5002-0. s. 124–135. doi: 10.1145/3083187.3083195.
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Halvorsen, Pål & Griwodz, Carsten (2016). High-Precision Power Modelling of the Tegra K1 Variable SMP Processor Architecture. I Le Beux, Sébastien (Red.), Proceedings of IEEE 10th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). ISSN 978-1-5090-3530-4. s. 193–200. doi: 10.1109/MCSoC.2016.28.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Halvorsen, Pål & Griwodz, Carsten (2016). A High Precision Power Model for the Tegra K1 CPU, GPU and RAM".
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Griwodz, Carsten & Halvorsen, Pål (2016). A high-precision, hybrid GPU, CPU and RAM power model for generic multimedia workloads.
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin (2016). A High-Precision GPU, CPU and Memory Power Model for the Tegra K1 SoC.
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Griwodz, Carsten & Halvorsen, Pål (2015). Energy Efficient Continuous Multimedia Processing Using the Tegra K1 Mobile SoC.
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Halvorsen, Pål & Griwodz, Carsten (2015). Why Race-to-Finish is Energi-Inefficient for Continuous Multimedia Workloads.
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale; Halvorsen, Pål & Griwodz, Carsten (2015). Energy Efficient Video Encoding Using the Tegra K1 Mobile Processor.
  • Stokke, Kristoffer Robin; Stensland, Håkon Kvale & Halvorsen, Pål (2015). Energy and Performance Optimisation of a Simple Video Encoder on the Jetson­TK1.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 5. jan. 2023 10:41 - Sist endret 5. jan. 2023 10:41