Decision Support for the Fediverse

The thesis is about developing model-based decision support for users and application developers using the fediverse.

Bildet kan inneholde: produkt, font, magenta, parallell, merke.

The fediverse is W3C standardized way to federate servers for web publishing,
especially to manage identities and content without a central instance, which is popularized by novel social media services, like Mastodon, that aims to provide the user more control over their data. The most established technology is the ActivityPub protocol.

Using the fediverse poses challenges to the user, whose identity and data must consider the federated servers, as well as to the developers of services and apps, which must consider attacks on their structures and scalability.

In this thesis, the challenge is to use the ABS programming to develop a model for the ActivityPub protocol and validate it against openly available data. ABS has been established as a suitable language for modeling and analyzing distributed systems.

The thesis is suitable for students who are interested in programming and distributed systems, especially social network platforms. For more details please contact the supervisors.

- ABS:
- ActivityPub:

Publisert 8. aug. 2023 09:31 - Sist endret 8. aug. 2023 09:31


Omfang (studiepoeng)