Estimating the Human Effort for Software Specification

The thesis is a study on the use of software specification languages, in particular the human effort required to specify software, compared to implementing it.

Software specification, in the form of mechanized documentation, has long been known to increase software quality through (semi-)automatic code analysis.
At the same time, writing the specification is a notorious bottleneck, with the specification sometimes having thrice the length of the code it specifies.

So far, there is no systematic study on this effect, it remains unclear how the relation of lines-of-code vs. lines-of-specification is for different specification and programming languages and whether the developments in specification in the last years have led to a better situation.

In this thesis, the student should design a study to quantify the relation of lines-of-code vs. lines-of-specification based on the numerous, publically available studies of the last ~15 years, perform the study, and analyze its results.

The thesis is suitable for students interested in data analysis, software usability, and software design. For more details please contact the supervisors.

Publisert 8. aug. 2023 09:24 - Sist endret 8. aug. 2023 09:24


Omfang (studiepoeng)