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Enhancing Cellsnake, a single-Cell RNA sequencing analysis tool

Cellsnake is a single-cell sequencing analysis bioinformatics tool written in Python, R and Python-based Snakemake workflow manager. Single-cell sequencing is a method to analyse cellular gene footprints. With its focus on accessibility, cellsnake aims to simplify the investigation of human cell types by utilizing single-cell data. This project aims to further elevate cellsnake's capabilities through improvements that address the following key areas:

Enhanced Microbiome Analysis: The project will focus on integrating advanced microbiome analysis methods and tools into cellsnake. Microbiome entails a community of microorganisms in a particular environment.

Seamless Tool Integration: To better streamline single-cell sequencing data analysis, we will enhance cellsnake's compatibility with other popular bioinformatics tools in the field. This will promote a cohesive ecosystem, reducing redundancy and enhancing overall efficiency. Another goal is also to decrease memory and CPU burden of cellsnake.

We are seeking a highly motivated master's student with the following qualifications:

  • Strong background in informatics, bioinformatics, computational biology, or a related field.
  • Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R or others.
  • Eagerness to contribute to open-source software development.

The selected master student will work closely with PhDs and postdocs to implement the proposed enhancements, test new features, and ensure the continued growth and utility of cellsnake.

Conclusion: This project offers an exciting opportunity for a master's student to make a meaningful impact on the field of single-cell RNA sequencing analysis and software development. By enhancing Cellsnake's capabilities and efficiency, the student will contribute to empowering researchers worldwide. 

Publisert 6. okt. 2023 12:16 - Sist endret 28. nov. 2023 13:13


Omfang (studiepoeng)