Exploring communicative signals for human-robot interaction

How can a robot make itself more easily understood. We have a new typology that may make it easier for designers to help

Earlier this year, we presented a typology for designing signals that a robot can use to communicate. The typology draws inspiration from animals and artificial communication. A signal to communicate from a robot can include four properties:

  • Origin: biological, artificial, or hybrid.
  • Deliberateness: intentional or consequential.
  • Reference: referential or non-referential.
  • Genuiness: honest or deceptive.
  • Clarity: explicity or implicit.

We have used these properties to successfully analyze previous studies, but it would be great to try and show that using these properties is designing in an interaction also is helpful. Master students would have to look at gathering requirements, designing an interaction based on these properties, and then evaluating them.

Emneord: HRI, Design and Use, Testing
Publisert 9. okt. 2023 09:28 - Sist endret 9. okt. 2023 09:28