Interactive and visual installations


Are you interested in designing interactive and visual installations suited for exhibition contexts? Do you want to explore how we can use installations to engage citizens in discourses?  


Spaces for learning, reflection, and sharing

There is a need to create spaces where discourses about complex topics, e.g., sustainability and transitions to other forms of socio-economic development, can be researched. One way to approach this is by opening spaces where citizens are invited to learn, reflect, and share information on relevant topics through the use of exhibition artifacts. The artifact does not have to follow a specific approach and can be of, e.g., critical, speculative, provocative, or fictional nature.


Close collaboration with external partners

We have previously collaborated with external partners, e.g., Klimahuset or the Life Science Building, in such projects. We will have options to find creative and innovative spaces for using the exhibition as a way to support more museum-oriented theses.


IN5120 – A course specifically designed for this thesis topic

To help students who have limited experience with technology and technical design get started, we offer a specific course on this topic. IN5120 is an intensive studio-based lab course running over five weeks, where students specifically work with the subject of Tangible Interaction. We begin with simple learning tools such as Little Bits and work our way up to fully functional exhibition-ready installations. It will only be held Spring 2022 if enough students are interested in this topic or other master thesis topics related to prototyping, e.g., Prototyping and Participatory Design, Tangible and Embodied Interaction, or other similar topics covered by the Design of Information Systems research group or Regenerative Technologies research group.


Collaboration on lab activities and design workshops

The students who want to work on this topic will collaborate closely with the ongoing research efforts and design lab activities of faculty and Ph.D. students in the research group. We include students in existing or new meetings, workshops, and collaborations with internal and external partners. In addition to lab activities, there will be structured reading groups and prototyping workshops organized by faculty and PhDs affiliated with this thesis topic.


Suited for student groups

This thesis topic is suited for students who want to work as part of a larger group of both faculty, PhDs, and students, and is also interested in having students who will want to write their thesis together. We have very positive experiences with students working together in parts, or all, of their thesis work, which has proven to be extra helpful in situations involving practical work, e.g., prototyping, fieldwork, and workshops.


Suggested courses:

This thesis can be written in English or Norwegian.

Emneord: participatory design, prototyping, enabling interaction
Publisert 10. okt. 2023 08:52 - Sist endret 10. okt. 2023 08:52


Omfang (studiepoeng)