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Unlike customer journeys, disease may lead us through an involuntary patient journey. This is compounded by the patient's often challenging role in navigating interactions with numerous healthcare participants, inadvertently becoming "the messenger" in their own care coordination.

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Studies indicate that while patients are generally satisfied with the medical treatment they receive, they frequently encounter poor experiences with communication, collaboration, and coordination within and between healthcare providers.

In this master thesis we will work together with Oslo University Hospital, concentrating on two specific illnesses: cancer and multiple sclerosis (MS). Several of these topics are connected to the intuitive and visual modeling language Customer Journey Modelling Language (CJML).

There are several research topics within the scope of the pathway project:

1) Studies of patient experiences over time for individuals with MS or cancer. Here, we aim to follow patients for several months through their healthcare journey, exploring methods for gathering their experiences along the way, and analyzing what improves or impedes a positive patient experience. This topic also involved modelling of the patient journeys.

2) Studies of critical events during patient journeys. Here we will employ the critical incident technique to gain insight into the pivotal moments concerning information, communication, and coordination. There is a need to adapt the method for the healthcare context and explore methods for efficient data collection. This topic also includes content analysis. Furthermore, there is a possibility to design and implement tools for data collection and/or data analysis.

3) This topic concerns the feasibility and usefulness of patient pathway models. What data and methods do we need to identify and make precise models of patient pathways and patient journeys? What knowledge and insights do we gain by analyzing patient pathways from both the health personnel and patients’ perspectives? How feasible are the models for various actors in the healthcare system?

4) The last topic concerns the syntax and notation of the modeling language itself. The aim is to extend the syntax and functionality of CJML to better support a healthcare context. Design and development of web application can also be part of this topic, as well as usability testing.

The master thesis will be part of the research project Pathway. The overall goal of the project is to establish the knowledge needed to provide coherent, effective patient journeys using precise models and methods. We are developing a toolkit to serve this goal. Partners are University of Oslo and Aalto university in Finland. More information about the project can be found here (also available in Norwegian).

Publisert 23. nov. 2023 15:09 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2023 15:10

Omfang (studiepoeng)