Master Thesis with the DIN group

The DIN group welcomes Master Thesis in the topic areas of digital business platforms, data governance, digital infrastructures, digitalisation, AI in organisations and digitalisation and development.

The DIN group supervises Master thesis, both long thesis 60p and short 30p, on topics related to digitalisation, innovation and organisations preferably carried out in collaboration with a company or an organization.

If you are interested in the topics that were presented at the information meeting for master students held on Sept 26th (listed hereafter), and would like to write your thesis within these topics with a supervisor from the DIN group, note the following important date:

31st October: submit a short text about your preference of topic and idea for a master thesis to: AND 
Indicate if your thesis will be 30p or 60 p and you can also indicate your preference of supervisor.

The following topics are available:


  • Introduksjon av GPT UiO - Kunstig intelligens med personvernfokus
  • Whisper: Bruk av talegjenkjenning i transkribering av tekster.
  • Studier/analyser rundt hvordan disse ble tatt imot av
    UiO og hva dette gjorde med UiO

TSD - Tjenester for sensitive data

  • Fokus: IT architecture, research platform, collaborative ecosystems
  • Eksempel på prosjekter: Koronastudie, Ernæringsovervåkning, Data fra skatteparadis, Mine studier

Hvordan endrer VAR fotball- produktet?

  • basert på ulike stakeholders intervjues
  • Mulige vinklinger:
    • VAR som digital infrastruktur (et mer digitalisert fotballprodukt). Digital innovasjon av fotballproduktet
    • Hvilke implikasjoner har dette for ulike stakeholders? Hvilken rolle har IT arkitekturen i å bredde løsningene?
    • Hvilken form for Digitalt Lederskap har NFF/Andre sentrale aktører?

B2B plattform økosystemer og digital transformasjon

  • Organisering:
    • Hvordan påvirker digital transformasjon organisering, organisasjoner og økosystemer?
    • Hvordan lede/orkestrere ulike B2B plattform økosystemer?
  • Plattformer:
    • Hvordan fasilitere økosystem?
    • Hvordan bidra til bærekraft?
  • Praksisteori:
    • Digital transformasjon og praksisteori

Platform ecosystems, generative AI, grand challenges.

Possible project to join: Wikimedia foundation and its digital ecosystem:

  • Governance mechanisms and strategies in the context of platforms “for good”.
  • AI in platform governance.

Digitalization, work and competence development

  • How does digitalization changes the nature of work and which novel competences, roles and types of work emerge in digitalization processes?
  • The process and consequences of datafication.
  • possible empirical case: Oslo Kommune Helseetaten, design and implementation of digital infrastructure for patient handover in primary care.

Adoption and use of AI

  • what are the concerns, strategies, challenges to AI adoption in organisations, and what is the work required to make AI work? 
  • possible empirical case: NAV, Hospitals, Media sector.

Digital Infrastructures

  • How to design digital infrastructures for interorganizational and interdisciplinary collaborative work?
  • How to scale digital services in the public sector?
  • How to organize user participation in the design of large-scale digital
  • possible empirical case: UiO research infrastructure, Oslo Kommune Helseetaten, digital infrastructure for remote care services.


Publisert 24. okt. 2023 11:49 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2023 13:57

Omfang (studiepoeng)