Integrating Wireless Sensors in Trustworthy Device Communities

In order to enable easy and safe sharing of data, resources and services among the different devices a user owns, we have developed the concept of Device Communities. In some sense a Device Community is like a Virtual Private Network (VPN), however in contrast to VPNs, a device can be member of many communities at the same time (e.g., personal devices, family, friends, work). Each of these devices could enforce different access rules to the shared items.

In this thesis we aim to extent the use of Device Communities to Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). These systems consists of many wireless sensors and computing nodes that process the sensor data for example to control the energy consuption of a building, etc. Wireless sensors have in many cases very limited computing capabilities. Therefore, the existing implementation of Device Communities cannot be directly ported to wireless sensors. It must be investigated for which kind of sensors and stripped down implementation could be used and for which kind of sensors new concepts need to be introduced. We aim to have at least one prototype implementation.

This thesis topic could be studied by more than one student.

Publisert 9. apr. 2014 09:14 - Sist endret 10. des. 2014 18:59


Omfang (studiepoeng)