Privacy Requirements, Policies, and Enforcement Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing

Participatory sensing is a new and very promising application domain in which individuals provide data from sensors on their smart phones to the community for different applications. One example is to create a map of a city with real-time presentation of the noise level in the various parts of the city, based on data from the microphone and the GPS sensor in smart phones.

One major obstacle for a very broad success of this paradigm is the concern of privacy. Not every individual would like to have their GPS coordinates continously tracked.

It is the task of this thesis work extensively with the exiting literature, to identify the privacy requirements of different stakeholders in participatory sensing, to categorize policies and existing enforcement mechanisms. Depending on the progress of the candidate and interest, we can also investigate how to use the privacy policies to adapt queries in Complex Event Processing Systems in such a way that different privacy policies are automatically enforced.

Publisert 9. apr. 2014 09:08 - Sist endret 10. des. 2014 19:00


Omfang (studiepoeng)