Automatic time gain compensation (TGC)

The backscatter intensity used for forming ultrasound images depends on the attenuation in the medium and on the geometrical spreading of the transmitted and reflected sound. The geometrical spreading can be modelled, but the attenuation is unknown because we don’t know what we are imaging before the image is displayed. Even so, we would like similar structures appearing at different locations in an image being displayed with equal intensity. 

Automatization the the time gain control of an ultrasound image is therefore desirable when reconstruction high-quality images that are useful in the clinic.

In this project, we aim at implementing automatic time gain compensation in USTB (see An inspiration for how this can be done is presented by Clarius in a white paper and a patent cited below.

In the project, you will do the following:

  • Study the literature on attenuation, sound profiles from ultrasound arrays, and TGC
  • Simulate the generation of various medical ultrasound images using the Field II and k-Wave wave propagation codes and USTB.
  • Implement various methods for automatic TGC in USTB
  • Test the implementation on real ultrasound data recorded using our Verasonics ultrasound research scanner.


  • Excellent MATLAB programming skills (Object oriented MATLAB)
  • Signal processing (IN3190/4190, IN5450, and preferably IN3015/4015 and INF4480)
  • Image processing/analysis (One or both of: IN2310, IN5520)
  • Git Version Control

Literature (a bit randomly chosen):

Publisert 14. sep. 2022 09:00 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2022 09:32


Omfang (studiepoeng)