Offline RL under Distribution Shifts



Distribution shifts between a source and a target domain have been a prominent problem in machine learning for several decades [1-3]. Covariance shift (as well as its assumption) is the most commonly used and studied in theory and practice in distribution shifts [1-3]. Handling covariate shift is a challenging issue. The premise behind such shifts is that data is frequently biased, and this results in distribution shifts that can be estimated by assuming some (unlabelled) knowledge of the target distribution. Density ratio estimation is an important step in various machine learning problems such as learning under covariate shift, learning under noisy labels, anomaly detection, two-sample testing, causal inference, change-point detection, and classification from positive and unlabelled data [1-3].


The primary challenge in offline RL is successfully handling distributional shifts [4]. Developing efficient and accurate density ratio estimation methods to obtain a consistent estimate of the actual Q-function using data from past interactions with the environment is a major problem in RL [4-7]. Some references include: 

This project is available for a master student with a strong background in reinforcement learning. Students should be familiar with PyTorch. 


[1] Masashi Sugiyama, Matthias Krauledat, and Klaus-Robert Müller. Covariate shift adaptation by importance weighted cross validation. JMLR, 8(5):1-21, 2007.


[2] Takafumi Kanamori and Shohei Hido and Masashi Sugiyama. A least-squares approach to direct importance estimation. JMLR, 10:1–55, 2009.


[3] Ali Ramezani-Kebrya, Fanghui Liu, Thomas Pethick, Grigorios Chrysos, and Volkan Cevher, Federated Learning under Covariate Shifts with Generalization Guarantees. TMLR, 2023.



[5] Aviral Kumar, Aurick Zhou, George Tucker, and Sergey Levine. Conservative q-learning for offline reinforcement learning. In Proc. NeurIPS, 2020.

[6] Masatoshi Uehara, Masahiro Kato, and Shota Yasui. Off-policy evaluation and learning for external validity under a covariate shift. In Proc. NeurIPS, 2020.

[7] Ilya Kostrikov, Ashvin Nair, and Sergey Levine. Offline reinforcement learning with implicit Q-learning. In Proc. ICLR, 2022.

[8] Sergey Levine, Aviral Kumar, George Tucker, and Justin Fu. Offline reinforcement learning: Tutorial, review, and perspectives on open problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.01643 (2020).

[9] Tianhe Yu, Garrett Thomas, Lantao Yu, Stefano Ermon, James Y. Zou, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn, and Tengyu Ma. Mopo: Model-based offline policy optimization. In Porc. NeurIPS, 2020.

[10] Tianhe Yu, Aviral Kumar, Rafael Rafailov, Aravind Rajeswaran, Sergey Levine, and Chelsea Finn. Combo: Conservative offline model-based policy optimization. In Proc. NeurIPS, 2021. 


Publisert 10. aug. 2023 21:17 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2023 21:17


Omfang (studiepoeng)