Sound source localization, tracking, and classification using deep learning

Squarehead Technology is a world leader in precision acoustic detection. Their technology utilizes an array of microphones and beamforming to provide spatial filtering and awareness.  Loosely speaking, we can provide a superhearing ability by pinpointing the direction of a given sound source, and classify the type of sound we’re listening to.

Bildet kan inneholde: font, elektrisk blå, merke, logo.

Acoustic arrays and the industrial partner

This array technology can, for instance, be used to:

  • Detect and track the positions of small UAVs (drones)
  • Pinpoint the location and presence of an anomalous sound in industrial applications

Squarehead  looks for strong candidates that can help to improve the capabilities further.

Research interests and project topics

You should consider joining for a Master’s thesis in this domain, in particular if you are interested in:

  • A great challenge
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • Writing clean code that is easy to test and maintain
  • Signal processing
  • Deep learning
  • Beamforming

There are several available projects within the overlapping fields of beamforming, sound source localization/tracking and classification, and deep learning. And we can provide supervisors with both a strong industrial and academic background.
Students will be supervised in close collaboration with the DSB group.

Video demos

First point of contact

Please contact Jon Petter Åsen ( for more information. If you want to learn more about the industrial partner, please check out the

The academic/university supervisor/s are members of the Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis (DSB) group at the Department of Informatics. The university  supervisor will be selected among the DSB permanent academic staff experts, based on the selected MSc project focus and elaborations together with the candidate and Squarehead.

Emneord: Array signal processing, deep learning, signal processing, coding, data science
Publisert 3. aug. 2021 09:30 - Sist endret 3. aug. 2021 09:30


Omfang (studiepoeng)