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Cyber Threat Intelligence with STIX and ACT


This project focuses on the OASIS  STIX  2.1 Standard and the ACT  platform's underlying  object model, two technologies and schemas that represent and encode Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence (CTI) in a machine-readable format.

The objective of the project is to develop a STIX shifter interface/module for the ACT platform, enabling  its knowledge base comprising cyber threat intelligence to be queried using the STIX 2.1 patterning language .

"STIX-shifter is an open source python library allowing software to connect to products that house data repositories by using STIX Patterning and return results as STIX Observations." [ https://github.com/opencybersecurityalliance/stix-shifter ]

The project is in collaboration with mnemonic AS (Norwegian MSSP), which coordinated and led the development of the ACT platform. [ https://github.com/mnemonic-no/act-platform ]

Emneord: cyber threat intelligence, cti, knowledge representation, cybersecurity
Publisert 31. aug. 2021 10:15 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2022 10:42



  • Erik Sørli
  • Benjamin Jørgensen

Omfang (studiepoeng)