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Detection, tracking and mapping of IoT devices

Our environment became enriched with digital wireless devices in recent years. While there are maps that show mobile telephone network coverage and Wifi hotspot availability available, we hardly know which IoT devices are collecting data, communicate or act around us. Devices such as hotspots, beacons, security cameras, mobile Wifi in buses and Bluetooth interfaces in connected cars populate the city around us. Private equipment such as media centers, connected light bulbs, Smart speakers and other consumer wireless devices easily sense neighborhood device presence and activity through apartment walls. The undetected presence of and the unknown capabilities deployed with such devices constitute a serious threat for personal privacy. Detection and classification of such devices through systematic measurements will help to tackle the issue.

The purpose of this master thesis is the implementation of a data collection, classification and visualization tool for IoT environments. The research question is:

How can the presence, the function and the actual activity of IoT devices in our environment get measured, classified and communicated to humans?

The task for the student/s is threefold:

  1. Develop detection tools that can notice the presence of Wifi and BLE-connected devices and that can collect useful classification information about the devices (including location, communication patterns etc.).
  2. Organize collected information in a database from where the data can get searched and in addition qualified by adding metadata. Goal: Identifiy types of devices (e.g. smart speakers or cameras).
  3. Develop graphical user interface that enables browsing and visualization of the measured data - either live on the measurement tool or offline pulling from the database.

The thesis has many degrees of freedom. The work will start with a thorough background study of existing literature and tools. Then the student will, with the supervisors prepare a project plan. Finally, the project is executed.

Expected result:

  • A solid review of background literature and tools.
  • A research plan addressing the research question.
  • An implemented prototype of a capture tool, data storage and visualization interface.
  • A written thesis describing the above and presenting the results of the research.

Related work:

Fritsch, L. & Gruschka, N., (2021). Extraction and Accumulation of Identity Attributes from the Internet of Things. In: Roßnagel, H., Schunck, C. H. & Mödersheim, S. (Ed.), Open Identity Summit 2021. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. (p. 179-192).

Publisert 3. sep. 2021 14:22 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2024 10:28



  • Nicolai Rønning

Omfang (studiepoeng)