Pågående og avsluttede masteroppgaver – Side 2

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
HISP/DHIS2 projects in India 5. okt. 2020
Identification, secure meta data and access 26. sep. 2014
iHRIS 15. sep. 2011
Improving Education Data Use with innovative Mobile Solutions and Apps 6. okt. 2020
Information system for community health workers in Ethiopia and Malawi 25. aug. 2022
Internships + master 16. aug. 2017
Interoperability between the electronic medical record system Bahmni and DHIS2 in Ethiopia and between Digital Public Goods in general 11. aug. 2022
Learning material for a patient system in Malawi - Videos and Documents 28. mars 2017
Living Labs in Low Resource Contexts 17. sep. 2019
Managing Disruptive Technologies 15. nov. 2018
Master projects in the DHIS2 Design Lab 17. aug. 2020
Online collaborative design and development of apps for DHIS2 to support the use of health data 2. okt. 2020
Oppgave som også passer for deg som begynte master aug 2020: Klokke-app for å minne om å ta hjertemedisin 2. feb. 2021
Organizing for digital innovation and digitalization 20. sep. 2023
Overganger i digital hjemmeoppfølging 9. aug. 2023
Patient system for Specialized Newborn Care Units in Malawi 2. nov. 2016
Repository for multi-lingual learning material 1. okt. 2021
Requirement Management in Global Open Source Software Projects 21. aug. 2017
Role of Digital Personal Data (DPD) for Strengthening Healthcare Services Delivery 19. mai 2022
Supporting app development in enterprise platform ecosystems 1. sep. 2021
Systemic design for digitalization 22. sep. 2022
Two Master projects on DHIS2 and neglected tropical diseases in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) 21. sep. 2016
Unique IDs for use at clinics and for integration of systems in South Africa 28. mars 2017
Videos for training and health promotion 16. aug. 2018
What is an information systems designer? 1. sep. 2021