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Online collaborative design and development of apps for DHIS2 to support the use of health data

(1-4 students working together)

The DHIS2 software platform is developed at the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo and used by public and private organizations in more than 60 countries. A primary use-case for DHIS2 is to support routine data collection, and the use of this data in decision-making by health personnel. While DHIS2 successfully supports many of its users, a persistent challenge is to provide user interfaces and functionality that provide usable and relevant support to the end-users activities. For instance, providing valuable information about disease outbreaks or vaccination coverage in a form and format that is useful to health managers.

In this master project, students (1-4) will work together with DHIS2 experts in Rwanda and Mozambique, to design and develop new apps for the DHIS2 software. Together, the aim is to develop features that can support users with relevant data and information in their work. Pending on how the COVID-19 situation develops in the future, the interaction with DHIS2 experts will be online (Zoom etc.) or possibly by traveling to relevant countries. From a theoretical angle, the project will add new knowledge in the emerging area of digital platforms for socio-economic development, contributing to strengthening health information systems in two developing countries through participatory design.

The students will be part of the DHIS2 Design Lab, working together with a larger group of master students and researchers in exploring various aspects of user-oriented design and innovation around DHIS2, and on better supporting the development of apps for the platform.

Publisert 2. okt. 2020 09:33 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2020 12:20


Omfang (studiepoeng)