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Requirement Management in Global Open Source Software Projects

With the rapid growth in implementations and use of DHIS2 (dhis2.org/hisp.uio.no) we have a need to professionalize and scale up the system and processes for handling new functional/non-functional requirements. The new processes and system must facilitate reception of inputs from users across the globe, track these inputs, assure that inputs are in an adequate format and finally pass them on to the software developers.

Students will be involved in an action-research project with the following cycle: 1) analyzing the existing situation and needs, 2) researching and analyzing potential approaches, 3) designing a process and pilot, 4) implementing the pilot, 5) evaluating the pilot and drawing key lessons, 6) if possible take part in implementing a full-scale processes.

Emneord: DHIS2, HISP, Piloting, Design, Requirements Engineeering, open source
Publisert 21. aug. 2017 23:55 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2017 14:12


Omfang (studiepoeng)