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Two Master projects on DHIS2 and neglected tropical diseases in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO)

In collaboration with WHO, we have two projects on DHIS2 related to neglected tropical diseases

Development of an integrated tracker program for skin NTDs

Many neglected tropical diseases (NTDs, http://www.who.int/neglected_diseases/en/ ) affect the skin, causing considerable disability, stigma, and exacerbation of poverty. However, there has been relatively little investment into laboratory research, epidemiology, diagnostic tools or management strategies to control tropical skin disease.

The World Health Organization recommends integrating the control activities for these skin NTDs. Integration may advance the control of skin disease across a range of domains, including mapping, diagnosis, clinical management, and community control measures such as mass drug administration.

Future strategies should build on these experiences and the experience of integration of other NTDs, strengthen existing health systems, and contribute toward the attainment of Universal Health Coverage.

In this context, the purpose of the master thesis will be to support finalizing the development of a tracker module enabling the collection of individual data for skin NTDs in an integrated way. The project will be done in close collaboration with WHO.

The objectives will be to:

  • Finalize the forms for each skin NTDs
  • Link in a nice and user-friendly way the different programs from the integrated (/common) skin NTDs program to disease-specific programs.
  • Ensure the data collection will be possible offline through mobile Apps (Android or HTML)
  • Create appropriate dashboards
  • Test the integrated tracker module in countries endemic for several skin NTDs (e.g. Ghana, Benin, Cameroon…).


Dissemination of standards from global to national and peripheral levels.

Standard DHIS2 environment (data elements, indicators, datasets, dashboards) has been developed for several Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs, http://www.who.int/neglected_diseases/en/ ) by the World Health Organization at global level in an integrated platform for NTDs surveillance and control.

These standards now have to be disseminated in the endemic countries.

The purpose of the master thesis will be to ease the dissemination process, by :

  • Designing (an) App(s) which will enable a country to install easily the different DHIS2 component for the NTDs in their national instance, according to their level of endemicity.
  • Developing training material
  • Participate to trainings at national and sub-national levels.

Evaluation in one or more of the endemic countries (in East Africa, West Africa or Asia) through 1-2 trips will be needed.  We will support the travel and help out with practical arrangements. 

Publisert 21. sep. 2016 21:50 - Sist endret 22. aug. 2017 08:50


Omfang (studiepoeng)