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DHIS2 as Platform and Ecosystem (1-2 students)

Despite being initially designed to support the analysis of routine health statistics, a current trend is that the DHIS2 software (dhis2.org) is increasingly being used in other domains such as for health commodity logistics management (LMIS) and integrated disease surveillance and response (IDSR). We also see the development and implementation of more specialized health management applications on top of DHIS2 by software developers outside the University of Oslo. This is partly the result of the software being open-source and developed in close collaboration with the users, and partly a result of a strategy where DHIS2 is no longer positioned as software but as a software platform. The current ambition of HISP is to engage a wide range of stakeholders to develop software extensions to DHIS2.

The aims of these Master projects are to study:

  • DHIS2 implementation and use outside the health domain - the extent and the dynamics (ecosystem) around it
  • The implications of changing DHIS2 from a software to a software platform
  • Challenges, implications and dynamics of DHIS2 when moving into LMIS and IDSR
Publisert 22. aug. 2017 08:48 - Sist endret 4. juni 2018 08:31


Omfang (studiepoeng)