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Graph of previous values on data input

Health workers need to view the time trends of certain patient data upon entering new data. E.g., the variation in blood pressure over the last 6 months or the growth of a child. 

Growth Monitoring Chart

The current version of the Android data capture app for DHIS2 lacks this feature. The thesis should add this functionality to the existing app and test it amongst health facility and community health workers in Malawi. 

We will support the field studies by means of the ETHIC exchange programme and help out with practical arrangements.

You need to take the courses IN5320 – Development in Platform Ecosystems and INF5761 - Health management information systems. The course INF5850 - ICT for Development is recommended. Taking all master courses during 1st and 2nd semester is highly recommended.

Before 2. semester, you should take the DHIS2 Fundamentals Academy (online).

1-2 students who wants to program in Java for Android.  

Previous students who did similar work (in Norwegian)

General recommendations for students abroad

Publisert 16. aug. 2018 23:00 - Sist endret 10. des. 2018 09:25


Omfang (studiepoeng)