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Health Information System Architectures

There is a strong drive towards integrating health information systems in developing countries. Enabling the flow of information between systems, integration and architectures have the potential to reduce the data collection burden and data duplication, let systems speak to each other and function more effectively. Multiple types of Health Information Systems exists, including terminology services, client registries, shared health records, health management information systems, financial registries and health worker registries.

Integrating these systems is not straightforward. And different approaches are possible. The aims of these Master projects are:

  • To study and understand relevant standardization activities involving DHIS2 (dhis2.org)
  • To investigate, discuss and compare different standardization approaches releant for DHIS2 such as global architectures (e.g. ohie.org) and local initiatives
Publisert 4. mai 2016 10:23 - Sist endret 22. aug. 2017 08:50


Omfang (studiepoeng)