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Identification, secure meta data and access

Do you want to explore how to build the future foundation for identification and privacy on a global scale?

Most web services require some sort of identification - eCommerce sites, mailing lists, various paid subscriptions, sites with personalized features - and many of them implement their own proprietary solution. This leaves users vulnerable and they are often forced to give away much more information about themselves than what is needed. Is it possible to build a network for identification and secure meta data that all web services can hook up to, which ensure a secure implementation, clear ownership of data, is distributed both legally, technically and geographically and scalable enough to encompass all internet users and services. Explore what solutions already exist, what strength and weaknesses they have, strategies for reaching critical mass and what critical mass is, cryptographic solutions - strength and weaknesses, how to preserve privacy while maintaining user-friendly services.

This project will be in close collaboration with Sannsyn. Located in Forskningsparken, Sannsyn is an analytics company that develops technology and offers consulting service in this domain. The company consist of analysts, data scientists and developers who currently help the likes of Ark, Bokkilden, University of Oslo and others to harness the potential in Big Data.

Publisert 26. sep. 2014 10:06 - Sist endret 17. sep. 2015 10:28


Omfang (studiepoeng)