Improving work processes and logistics at a hospital using visual data simulations

This project invites students with an interest for designing and developing a visual data simulation tool to assist Sunnaas Sykehus in improving workflows and logistics at the hospital.


In the dynamic and multifaceted environment of a modern hospital, efficient collaboration and workflows are paramount to delivering quality patient care. With ever-growing complexities in health processes, the need for innovative tools to aid in the understanding and optimization of hospital workflow is evident. This project invites students enrolled in the master’s program in Digitalization of the Healthcare Sector or other relevant programs to take part in the creation of tool that enable the hospital to experiment with new organizations of care through analysis and experimentation with data.


The primary objective of this project is to design a data visualization tool that allows hospital employees to simulate different organization of care and work procedures. By using this tool, they can gain insights into more efficient ways of organizing their work, such as improved room layout and changes and collaboration between various health professionals. A relevant solution can be, but is not limited to, a data visualization tool or computer game.

Suggested Methods

A good project will conduct a needs analysis, user-centered design of the solution, and building and testing a prototype of the tool. Methodically, the project can be based on Participatory Design as well as use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods in developing and testing the solution.

Who is this project for?

This project is suited for students with a strong interest for the healthcare domain and with pre-existing skills within data modelling and visualization. The project can accommodate 1-2 students.

Emneord: Health Information Systems, data visualization
Publisert 30. aug. 2023 11:46 - Sist endret 30. aug. 2023 11:46


Omfang (studiepoeng)