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Internships + master

We are running a research and development project Health Information Systems Programme with the software DHIS2.

Within this activity, we have received funding for exchange programmes with universities in Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. We can also offer an internship arrangement in Malawi and South Africa, suitable for 2nd semester. The internships will provide a kick-start for a master thesis. It will be possible to do cousework at the cooperating universities in parallel with the internships. 

We will provide a scholarship, and Lånekassa covers the travel costs.

Partners in Malawi under the ETHIC student exchange programme:

Partners in South Africa under the SHI-Learning exchange programme:

Before travelling, you need to complete the DHIS2 Fundamentals Academy (online).

General recommendations for students abroad

Publisert 16. aug. 2017 12:14 - Sist endret 5. okt. 2020 10:00


Omfang (studiepoeng)