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Interoperability between the electronic medical record system Bahmni and DHIS2 in Ethiopia and between Digital Public Goods in general

The Ethiopian government is running the DHIS2 software for their national health management information system, which collects and analyses statistical health data. For patient records in hospitals, they use another software, Bahmni. The patient record systems in all the hospitals generate lots of data for the health management system, but currently, there is no data transfer from Bahmni to DHIS2. 

Bildet kan inneholde: produkt, font, linje, merke.

Data transfer from Bahmni to DHIS2

The master thesis should establish technical interoperability between the two systems, such that relevant data for health indicators are transferred from Bahmni to DHIS2 monthly.

Some technical assistance from the Bahmni pages.

Bahmni and DHIS2 are both Digital Public Goods. These are free software packages, each targeting specific domains. The case in Ethiopia illustrates the need for procedures for establishing data transfer between such packages. The master thesis should therefore develop a first version of such a procedure for how to set up interoperability between two Digital Public Goods. 

For this thesis, it is necessary to take the course IN5320 – Development in platform ecosystems during the first semester of master study. Other relevant courses:

IN5330 – Health Management Information Systems

IN5390 – ICT for Development: Building a Better World?


The thesis requires fieldwork in Ethiopia of approximately one month duration. This fieldwork should be carried out during the third semester of the master study, hence it is strongly recommended to complete all coursework during the two first semesters. The fieldwork will be supported by the project Striving for Excellence through Action Research and Capacity building in eHealth (SEARCH)- NORPART-2018/10032, see Student Exchange Programmes

Students from the programmes

  • Informatics: Design, Use, Interaction
  • Informatics: Programming and System Architecture
  • Digitalization in the Health Sector

are welcome to this thesis project. The thesis fits well for 2 students collaborating. Collaboration with research students at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia, is also an option.


Emneord: Programmering, DHIS2, Ethiopia
Publisert 11. aug. 2022 15:29 - Sist endret 16. aug. 2023 07:55


Omfang (studiepoeng)