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Learning material for a patient system in Malawi - Videos and Documents

A patient system for health workers is developed for 4 African countries in the EU project mHealth4Afrika. Personnel in health centres and community health workers are target groups. While designing for usability and learnability are project aims, there will be aspects of the system which are less intuitive and require user learning.

The master thesis will consist of making video tutorials and related course material to be displayed on an Android tablet and being accessible from a DHIS2 app. The app should contribute to improve health services, empower the community health workers and community engagement.

The thesis involves two activities:

  • Choosing the software platform and implementing the material on it
  • Developing the videos and other training material

Evaluation in Malawi through one ore more field studies will be needed.  We will support the field studies by means of the ETHIC exchange programme and help out with practical arrangements.

You need to include the courses INF5761 - Health management information systems and INF3280 - Development of IT competence in organisations in your master curriciulum. The course INF5850 - ICT for Development is recommended. Completing all coursework during the two first semesters of the master is recommended.

Before 2. semester, you should take the DHIS2 Fundamentals Academy (online).

This thesis fits a pair of collaborating students. If you have some pedagogy/educational science in your Bachelor, this thesis needs you!

General recommendations for students abroad

Publisert 28. mars 2017 11:39 - Sist endret 10. des. 2018 09:28


Omfang (studiepoeng)