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Managing Disruptive Technologies

Are you interested in topics related to digital platforms particularly digital labour for example upwork, taskrabbit etc. focusing on the implications for developing countries?

This could include the role of labour Unions, questioning some of the positive / negative effects on capability related to whether there is a development impact of digital platforms.  I am also interested in impact of other transactional platforms such as Uber, Airbnb and the tensions of platform innovation, regulation and corporate social responsibility.  This may include survey research methods and or interviews with workers on the platform or policymakers / regulators depending on access and interest.  I am also interested in the HISP / DHIS2 issues positioned as a digital innovation platform and some of the tensions of the platform as a global public good.  For those with HISP DHIS2 experience there would be an opportunity to engage in a project that we have already begun to build.  Interested students could base a dissertation around this area and engage in interviews exploring some of these tensions and paradoxes.  Finally, I am interested in the implications of blockchain on payments, supply chain; initial coin offerings.  A dissertation would explore the implications in a particular area of business, public sector, NGO etc. analyzing the current and likely impacts of this technology.

Publisert 15. nov. 2018 17:49 - Sist endret 5. okt. 2020 08:21

Omfang (studiepoeng)