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DHIS 2 Academy - online

The DHIS is a system for patient and numeral data, developed at UiO and used in 47 countries and by international organisations like Médecins Sans Frontières, UNICEF and World Health Organization. We have for 5 years conducted trainings on setting up and using databases by means of the DHIS platform. The training has been conducted many places worldwide under the name of DHIS 2 Academy.

DHIS 2 Academy online

The DHIS2 Fundamentals is an online academy, which started up this year. It runs on the courseware platform open edX, and learners also have to use DHIS2 when doing the course. 

A master thesis could improve the integration of the two softwares and evaluate the outcome. It is also possible to design other theses related to the online academy, focusing on software, analysis of learner behaviour, the pedagogical side of the course and other topics. 

Students wanting to do one or more of these topics for their master need to take the course INF5761 - Health management information systems (second semester). 

For DHIS2 coding. also INF5750 - Open Source Development is needed. For a learning or pedagogical thesis, PED4540 - Technology-Enhanced Learning: Principles and Tools (first semester) is necessary. For a thesis on the course contents, also INF3280 - Development of IT competence in organisations (second semester) is necessary.

Before starting working on the thesis, you need to complete the DHIS2 Fundamentals Academy (online) yourself.

A previous master thesis on the planning of the Online academies: Aden (2015) Translating an on-site course to an online course for implementers of an open source software system.


Emneord: IT-støtte til undervisning, IT-training, computer science education
Publisert 3. mai 2016 12:39 - Sist endret 28. sep. 2017 09:59


Omfang (studiepoeng)