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Patient system for Specialized Newborn Care Units in Malawi

A patient system will be built and implemented in 35 hospitals in Malawi. It will be used by health personnel in Specialised Newborn Care Units and by health managers. The technical platform is DHIS2 with Android apps for health workers and web apps for reports. It will be part of UNICEF's potfolio of DHIS2 based systems and is of general interest, since UNICEF operates in many countries. 

The system is currently being designed and is supposed to be implemented in the hospitals during the first six months of 2017. The master thesis should assess and improve the system. Currently, we see the following directions for improvements:

- Extending to a wider range of the activities in the newborn care unit.

- Improved analysis and presentation of data for managers and health personnel

- Integration with other patient systems in the hospital. Requires unique patient ID.

- Integration with patient systems in other health facilities.Requires unique patient ID.

- Improvements of usability is nearly always needed. 

Android Tracker Capture for patient data registration

Students wanting to do one or more of these topics for their master need to take the course

INF5761 - Health management information systems (second semester)

For doing coding in the master thesis, also the course INF5750 - Open Source Development is needed. 

Completing all coursework during the two first semesters of the master is recommended for work with this project.

1-2 trips to Malawi will be needed. We will support the travel and help out with practical arrangements in Malawi. 

This thesis can be done by students working in pairs (recommended) or individuals. It can be done in the Design Use and Interaction as well as in the Programming and Networks programme. 



Publisert 2. nov. 2016 13:20 - Sist endret 25. okt. 2019 12:19


Omfang (studiepoeng)