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Repository for multi-lingual learning material

The DHIS2 software is built at UiO and used in 100 countries, mainly for health information. Configuring systems and developing the software requires specialised competence, therefore the DHIS2 community organises many one-week training events called DHIS2 Academies in English, Portuguese, French, etc. Parts of the material may also be used in academic courses worldwide. To reach out, particularly in this pandemic time, on-site training is converted to on-line versions. 

Bildet kan inneholde: begivenhet, samfunnet, læring, utdanning, student.

Videos, documents, quizzes and assignments are currently stored in and run through the learning management software edX. To organise multi-lingual versions of the same material, country specific cases, several software versions, flexible module-combinations and also to enable another frequently used learning management system (Moodle) to access the material, a more general repository would be advantageous. Keeping updates consistent is crucial.

The master thesis should evaluate available software, set up an experimental platform and test it with real course material and with users. The users will be course developers, who are normally either health professionals with good digital literacy or computer scientists with knowledge about health. 

Free, open-source software to consider include GitHub, CMS such as Drupal for content distribution, Moodle and edX, and ... you find out. 

This thesis fits well for two students collaborating. You should take the master course IN5330 – Health Management Information Systems. 

Emneord: Repository, e-learning, online training
Publisert 1. okt. 2021 15:56 - Sist endret 16. aug. 2023 07:55


Omfang (studiepoeng)