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Unique IDs for use at clinics and for integration of systems in South Africa

The Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) started in South Africa at the end of the apartheid period. Since then, South Africa has built strong information systems in the health sector. 

One issue of concern in South Africa as well as in most countries is patient identification and the pros and cons of a unique person ID to be used in all aspects of life. Currently, South Africans have national ID cards, and this is used for identifying patients in clinics. 

For the purpose of Universal Health Coverage, patient data needs to be integrated with data on finance, population and other sources.

The master thesis should find pros and cons of different ways of identifying patients in South Africa, seen from the view of the patients, health workers and needs for system integration. 

The thesis will be sponsored from the Scholarly Health Informatics Learning exchange programme, and it will be carried out in collaboration with the partners School of Information and Communication Technology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and School of Public Health (SOPH), University of Western Cape. Fieldwork in South Africa is required, and it might be possible also to do course work at the SOPH.

Before 2. semester, you should take the DHIS2 Fundamentals Academy (online).

1-2 students.

Publisert 28. mars 2017 16:02 - Sist endret 23. aug. 2018 16:18


Omfang (studiepoeng)