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Low power analog to digital conversion (ADC) for an implanted glucose sensor


We have recently started a project with the company LifeCare. The aim of the project is to develop a glucose sensor that is implantable and allows continuous monitoring of glucose levels in the blood of diabetes patients. The continuous monitoring allows a finer administration of insulin and avoids big swings in the glucose levels. The later have severe consequences on the patients health in the long run. By avoiding these swings the life expectancy of the patients can be increased by several years.

The actual sensor we will be using, indirectly modulates a resistance. This can be read by reading a voltage accross this resistance or a current through this resistance. the expected changes of both voltage and current are quite small. In that context the implant needs a system that is able to read those small changes and convert them into a digital signal that can be trasmitted from the implant.

The Project

The aim of this project is to investigate solutions for precise and robust amplification and analog to digital conversion (ADC) of the glucose measurement. Special attention will need to be given to noise properties of the system and a good resolution of the final ADC of about 10 bit is the goal.

Required Skills

Practical skills in evaluating and assessing different possible configurations of solutions. Microelectronics in integrated circuits, layout tools, schematics and circuit simulation.



Publisert 14. mars 2011 11:25 - Sist endret 24. sep. 2012 16:07


Omfang (studiepoeng)