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Tracking Motion with an AER Imager and a Koala Robot

Student: Elias Bakken (leifeb)


Subject of a previous project was a foveated motion sensitive camera chip. This project has just come to a successful conclusion. One particularity of this imager, is that its pixels are not read out sequentially, like in commercial photo and video cameras. On this chip, pixels communicate like the ganglion cells in the human eye: they send pulses with a frequency indicating their excitation.

Now, we have recently acquired a mobile general purpose robot, that we would like to program to make use of the imager chip.

The Project

The aim of this project is to use the general purpose digital interface on the Koala robot to connect to the foveated AER imager and use it to track simple moving objects. A final outcome could be that the robot runs after a ball, or follows a person around a room.

Required Skills

Programming skills and some interest in image processing. Technical skills with a soldering iron and screw driver.



Publisert 14. mars 2011 11:27 - Sist endret 14. mars 2011 11:27


Omfang (studiepoeng)