Radiation Tolerant 180nm Flip-flops

Integrated circuits are in space applications exposed to high doses of radiation. Any circuit to be used on satellites and space probes thus needs to be designed for increased radiation tolerance which is the subject of this project.

The aim of this project is to develop and improve designs for sequential standard cells in a 180nm process. Important characteristics include power, SEU tolerance, area, and speed. Several designs should be optimized and compared. Design techniques may involve radiation tolerance such as redundancy, temporal redundancy (SET-filtering), DICE.

It is desirable to create a test chip which allows measurements of radiation tolerance, comparing the structures, as well as standard designs. A layout technique to inhibit latch-up should be used. A test structure to perform latch-up characterization should be present on the test chip, the layout for this can be given. A lab measurement setup to characterize the flip-flops should be created, and the chip functionality should be tested. It is possible that the chip could be subjected to a beam to characterize SEE tolerance.

Publisert 9. sep. 2015 13:03 - Sist endret 14. sep. 2015 13:22


Omfang (studiepoeng)