Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Wireless Circuits

Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and some proprietary wireless protocols are optimized for low power, due to their low duty cycle of operation. Low power radios may have an average current consumption in the microampere range and are usually powered by small batteries. By using energy harvesting we can remove the battery or extend the battery life of these devices.

Piezoelectric materials are used in buzzers and speakers to convert electric energy to mechanical/acoustical energy. The electromechanical conversion can be reversed by applying a mechanical force to the piezoelectric material, so that we can generate an electric voltage that can be stored, converted and used to supply a low power wireless circuit. Applications for such devices might be battery- and wire-less doorbells, light switches or remote sensors.
The candidate will need to study the fundamentals of piezoelectric energy conversion, and how to convert, store and utilize small amounts of energy. The candidate will design the interface between the transducer and a low power RF device and study suitable low leakage storage devices. Further on the candidate will need to perform tests in order to verify the concept of piezoelectric energy harvesting. He also will investigate changes to the RF device in order to minimize the number and cost of off-chip components.
Publisert 14. sep. 2015 13:18 - Sist endret 27. okt. 2015 15:02


Omfang (studiepoeng)