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Langmuir Probe with 4DSpace Integrated Read-Out Circuit

Multi-Needle Langmuir Probes are sensors measuring electron density in plasma that have been developed at the Physics Department at UiO and have flown on many space missions, foremost to measure the plasma of the Earth's ionosphere. The nanoelectronics group have recently developed a 'system-on-chip' (SoC) that integrates the entire sensor interface for these sensors on a single integarted circuit (IC).This master project shall bring these two components together in an embedded sensor system and test this system in a recently acquired plasma chamber at the physics department.

The student executing this project should have experience in embedded system design and a PCB design tool such as Eagle. Some understanding of plasma physics and Langmuir probes will help. Also an affinity for experimental work and skill with a soldering iron will not be amiss.

Emneord: Embedded Systems, plasma physics
Publisert 1. okt. 2019 14:42 - Sist endret 19. okt. 2020 10:49


Omfang (studiepoeng)