Testbench System for Image Sensor Characterization

The Nanoelectronics group has a long standing tradition in image sensor research. Over the years many Master- and PhD-students have produced experimental CMOS image sensor chips and have made their own test framework, such as an embedded system, i.e. a PCB with an FPGA or microcontroller or a PCB connected to an FPGA- or microcontroller development kit, including a 3D-printed lens-mount that fits onto the PCB. Of course some components of these systems have been passed on from one generation of students to the next, but it would be very much more efficient to let a student exclusively concentrate on creating a dedicated testbench that will remain useful for many years to come for many generations of students.

Microscope image of an image sensor developed at the NANO-group.

The project's aim is to create a framework for image sensor testing, with a PCB at it's core that can house an CMOS image sensor (CIS) chip. A considerable part ot the project will be to work out the exact specifications for that PCB, to make it flexible enough to remain useful for many years. Many design specifications will have to be worked out, as well as standards for interfaces of future CIS development, such as a standard package for the chip and a standard pin-out or/and one can also create guidelines for an simple adapter design that can carry other packages, is compatible with the lens mount,  and can be plugged into the PCB. A choice will have to be made whether to add a controller onto the PCB or to connect it to some development kit (Some contenders are the Xilinx Pynq-board or the Zed board). WIth respect to the optics the PCB will need to be able to have a lens mount mounted. The lens mount can for example be designed and printed with a 3D-printer. An optics test setup can be considered to be part of the project as well, e.g. the PCB should be easy to be mounted on a positioning table and exposed to various light- sources and image sources. Finally, results, images, and video from the chip need to be able to be displayed on a PC that is connected to either the dev-kit or the PCB directly.

Very possibly the project offers enough subtasks to be distributed across two master projects, e.g. one with a focus on PCB design and one with a focus on programming.

The candidate should be familiar with PCB design. Experience with image sensors and optics is an advantage, as well as VHDL/Verilog and Python and/or C++ programming skills.

Publisert 2. okt. 2023 10:53 - Sist endret 2. okt. 2023 10:53


Omfang (studiepoeng)