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A New Standard API for the Internet

The IETF "Transport Services" (TAPS) Working Group is designing a new standard API for the Internet.

Using our NEAT library which already offers much of the needed functionality below, the task of this thesis is to develop a "shim layer" that offers a fully TAPS-conforming API to applications. So far, NEAT is the only open-source TAPS implementation. The other major implementation is Apple's Network.Framework.

The NEAT project, in which the NEAT library was developed, is now finished. However, TAPS API design has moved ahead, and the API now looks different from what NEAT offers.

The goal of this thesis is to develop a shim layer that maps a 100% TAPS-conforming API to NEAT. NEAT is written in C, but Python bindings exist; the development language could therefore be either C or Python.

Publisert 22. okt. 2018 15:52 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2018 08:04


Omfang (studiepoeng)