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A TCP (or QUIC) proxy for interactive vs. non-interactive traffic

When the physical rate offered by a wireless link changes from low to high, data must immediately be available at the edge of the network. How can we get this data there? With a proxy that asks for a lot of it, early...

This proxy will act like a TCP connection splitter, but it will distinguish between interactive and non-interactive traffic. These two types of traffic will each be served via their own queue. For non-interactive traffic, this queue can become very long, without incurring any extra delay in the system if the scheduling between the two queues is done right.

We can distinguish between these two traffic classes with simple classification rules (e.g., HTTP is usually non-interactive, whereas RTP based traffic can be interactive). Tests will show that the performance is improved for all traffic.

For TCP, we have open source code of our own TCP splitter available that this work can build upon. Alternatively, depending on your preference, this thesis can focus on QUIC, but this will perhaps be more complicated.

Publisert 18. okt. 2021 12:46 - Sist endret 28. mars 2022 14:15


Omfang (studiepoeng)