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Active Queue Management (AQM) strategies for the access links

AQM -- Active Queue Management (AQM) is a strategy to drop or mark packets in router buffers to signal the onset of congestion to the senders and therefore to avoid the buffer to become full. The persistently full buffers in network routers along the Internet paths lead to excessive latency that negatively affect the performance of multimedia flows (e.g. video streaming, VoIP and online gaming).  Therefore it's vital to deploy AQM at network routers to assure the low latency, more specifically on the access links such as home routers, access points and modems.

Task: The candidate will focus on testing and implementing novel AQM mechanism(s) using simulation tools as well as in OS kernel. 



  1. Very good knowledge of C/C++
  2. Very good shell scripting skills (e.g. sh, bash, awk,...) 
  3. Excellent knowledge of TCP/IP and OSI networking stack
  4. Familiarity with Linux kernel (networking stack code)
  5. Familiarity with network simulation tools (e.g. ns-2) is favored but not a must
  6. Enthusiasm to collaborate in international environment  


Contact Person: Naeem Khademi (naeemk [at] ifi [dot] uio [dot] no)

Emneord: AQM, Congestion control, TCP, 802.11 WLAN, CoDel, PIE
Publisert 11. sep. 2013 15:41 - Sist endret 18. sep. 2014 12:28


Omfang (studiepoeng)