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Various MSc thesis topics in Middleware for self-adaptive software systems

Software systems dealing with distributed applications in changing environments normally require human supervision to continue operation in all conditions. This(re) configuring leads to costly and time-consuming procedures during the operating phase. These problems are primarily due to the open-loop structure often followed in software development. Therefore, there  is a high demand for management complexity reduction, management automation, robustness, and achieving all of the desired quality requirements within a reasonable cost and time range. Self-adaptive software is a response to these demands; it is a closed loop system with a feed-back loop aiming to adjust iself to changes during its operation. These changes may stem from the software system's self (internal causes) or context (external events, e.g. increasing requests from users, or reduced bandwidth). Such a system is required to monitor itself and its context, detect significant changes, decide how to react, and act to execute such decisions.

The ND research group investigates, together with national and  internationl partners how context- and adaptation management can be provided as generic middleware services and thus simplifying the development of self-adaptive software. To this end we have developed working solutions of development methodology and tools, as well as a generic context- and adaptation middleware.

Within the scope of the above, several master thesis projects can be offered.  Some suggested topics can be found in a slide set at


Students may suggest relevant topics themselves e.g. based on background and interests.

If you are interested in this topic, contact Frank Eliassen, room 3343, email frank@ifi.uio.no

Utfyllende informasjon

Middleware for self-adaptive software systems

Publisert 14. mars 2011 14:03 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2015 09:12


Omfang (studiepoeng)