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TV white spaces Geo-location database

During September  this year, the US regulator FCC opened up for cognitive radio in unused spectrum in the TV bands, the so called TV white spaces, by allowing wireless users to access a geo-location database to download information about what spectrum is available at a specific location. It is expected that the UK regulator OFCOM will take the same approach.

Bic players in the IT and communication industry, such as Google, Microsoft, Dell and Motorola, are also researching and pushing this technology, which seem to have a great business potential and might change the rules of wireless communication dramatically.

We want to be in the forefront of this development, by implementing, testing and evaluating such a database system in real life. We are looking for master students that want to implement a geo-location database system for TV white space access, study wireless communication and do research on issues related to TV white space access.



Publisert 14. mars 2011 14:03 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2015 09:11


Omfang (studiepoeng)