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Geolocation-aware collaborative Wikipedia hosting


Project description
We have recently proposed a semi-decentralized collaborative
hosting system Wikipedia. In this system, individuals willing
to help host Wikipedia join their computer to an overlay
network of nodes, which handles a significant part of Wikipedia's
workload, resulting in reduced operational cost for Wikipedia.
User-perceived performance could be improved if, instead of a
single collaborative overlay, there were multiple collaborative
overlays organized according to their geographical location
(e.g., per country, or per continent).
The downside of this approach is that the centrally managed
Wikipedia infrastructure would need to propagate user-updated
content not  just to a single overlay, but to many of them.
The goal of this project is to propose an overlay-to-overlay (O2O)
protocol that takes care of propagating updated content across
regional overlays, allowing to central infrastructure to keep
costs low by propagating updates to a very small number
of overlays.
The project will require development under a simulation environment written in C. Therefore, proficiency in this programming language is required.


Publisert 7. sep. 2011 15:45 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2015 09:12


Omfang (studiepoeng)