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Fast Recovery for IP Multicast

Multicast is used in communication networks to efficiently distribute data from one sender to many receivers. It has several appealing applications, like IPTV, video conferencing, and software distribution. Multicast is very sensitive to network problems, more than the usual one-to-one communication. This is due to the loss of forwarding state in intermediate nodes, but also due to the typical multicast application requirements such as interactivity.

Recent research and technology advances provide IP routing recovery from link and node failures in 50ms or faster. It is not clear how these advances improve the IP multicast recovery. In this master thesis project we will explore performance of multicast fast recovery. Using network simulations, we will quantify the packet loss when state-of-the-art IP fast reroute and IP multicast techniques are used together. There is a substantial code base available for use in this project.



Publisert 14. mars 2011 11:26 - Sist endret 3. sep. 2015 09:10

Omfang (studiepoeng)